日時 2017年5月19日(金)17:00~19:00
場所 建築会館会議室 (東京都港区芝5-26-20)
"Tokyo-Barcelona: Dwelling Culture and Public Space"
19 May 2017 (Fri.) 17:00 to 19:00
Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ Building, 26-20, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
How do housing types and public spaces shape our cities? How can we change our life by re-designing our houses and shared spaces? By examining contemporary dwelling cultures, practices and policies in Tokyo and Barcelona, Jorge Almazán and Josep Maria Montaner will address these questions in an open debate with the public.
Jorge Almazán Tokyo-based architect and associate professor of architectural design in Keio University, he combines education, research and professional practice. PhD from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. In 2008 he was visiting professor of architecture design at the University of Seoul. He has published extensively about Tokyo in research journals and has edited the books Link Tokio-Madrid, a comparative study on urban structure and lifestyles; and Post-Souvenir City: Mediterranean urban intensity and new tourism practices.
Josep Maria Montaner Architect and professor at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona, he has taught in Europe, America and Asia, and has been curator of different exhibitions including Living the Present. Housing in Spain: Society, Technology and Resources. He writes for media, including the dailies El País and La Vanguardia and has published several books, for example Sistemas arquitectónicos contemporáneos (Contemporary Architectural Systems, Gustavo Gili, 2009). Currently he holds the position of Deputy on Housing in the Barcelona City Hall.